event photography for



One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
All Works
About the project
Experience the vibrant atmosphere of a networking event hosted by Jamestown Europe, a design-focused real estate investment and management firm. Through reportage-style photography, delve into the evening’s conversations, culinary delights, drinks, and music. With candid photography, every moment and detail of this vibrant event is captured.
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer

Music Band

The event was filled with energy thanks to the dynamic band and their exciting performance was also captured.

One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer

Music Band

The event was filled with energy thanks to the dynamic band and their exciting performance was also captured.

One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer

Music Band

The event was filled with energy thanks to the dynamic band and their exciting performance was also captured.

One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer

Music Band

The event was filled with energy thanks to the dynamic band and their exciting performance was also captured.

One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer

Music Band

The event was filled with energy thanks to the dynamic band and their exciting performance was also captured.

One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer
One of many awesome works from Anna Voloshyna Photographer











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Business Photo & Video

Visual content creation tailored to effectively represent a brandʼs identity, products, services, and messaging for marketing, promotion, and communication purposes.